प्यार का समुद्र
वे दोनों प्यार में डूबे, कुछ वक़्त बाद डूब कर मर गए.
किस्मत ही बुरी थी बेचारे की. दोस्तों के साथ शराब पी; सोचा कि कहीं घरवालों को गंध न आ जाए; इसलिए रास्ते में दुकान से आफ्टरड्रिंक ले ली. पिताजी ने आफ्टरड्रिंक पीते हुए देख लिया.
Don ने बुलेट-प्रूफ जैकेट पहन रखी थी, वो भी जर्मनी से निर्यात की हुई. स्टाइल से चल रहा था, उसके थोबड़े पर गोली मार दी. खून की पिचकारी निकली सर से.
Date with a feminist
I had a blind date with a self-proclaimed feminist. She came clad in pink, then asked me to escort her to some restaurant. She entered before me, then didn't take her seat waiting for me to pull the chair for her. When the turn came to pay the bill, she took it for granted that I pay it. I paid the bill and then ran away at top speed.
wish u a very happy birthday..Vijeta !! Hope the times ahead bring u a step closer to realizing your dreams...
thank u aishvarya...
ReplyDeleteMany Many Happy Returns of the DAY!!! Vijeta.. God Bless You!!
ReplyDeletegood that you ran away after paying the bill. It would be very interesting to see what she had to say about the date.